© Thierry (UFOCOM)
1998 - translation from french by Yves (UFOCOM)
By the end of October 97, a French friend slipped the
following information in an E. mail addressed to me: "Did
you know that a Mister Richard D'Amato, official envoy of the US
Congress, came to Belgium a few month after the Belgian UFO wave
to meet privately General De Brouwer (Belgian Air Force,
Operations Section Commander) and the persons in charge of SOBEPS
(Société Belge d'Etudes des Phénomènes Spaciaux)?" Well,
no, I did know that...
I must add that my French correspondent, whom identity must
remain secret, had always been a reliable source of information.
Besides, he is not a "ufologist".
From this day, I tempted to obtain more data on this Mister
Richard D'Amato. Once again, Internet proved to be a key tool and
a very powerful one.
First, I decided to interrogate an Internet search engine by
typing in the following keywords: "Richard C. D'Amato".
I was quite surprised to notice that the search engine only
provided me with very few entries. Four or five, no more.
The only entry dealing with "our man" was a digest
of papers which mostly emanated from the reputable
"Washington Post". The summary of papers is as follows:
[...] A secret Defence Intelligence Agency program that
posed tough military questions to a handful of full-time,
salaried psychics was kept alive for years at the insistence of a
few senators and a congressional staff aide despite opposition
from senior military intelligence officials.
[C. Richard] D'Amato, who was assigned to the committee
staff by Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), a former Appropriations
Committee Chairman, confirmed in an interview yesterday that he
kept the program alive because four to six senators had expressed
unusual and sustained interest in its potential, and because
similar psychic research was being pursued by the Soviet Union,
China and "some of our European allies."
--Washington Post, Dec. 1, 1995
What can we conclude from this paper? First, it ascertains
that Mister D'Amato worked for the US Congress. One also learns
from it that he was "hired" by Senator Byrd to take
part in a Congress Committee in charge of evaluating and
"reconducting" a "psy" program from the
Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Briefly, this resembles the
so-called "Stargate Program" which involves psychic
spies, in other words persons with unusual gifts such as
"remote viewing"... Unbelievable, indeed! All of this
is quite official, and mostly "sponsored" by the US tax
Another interesting data is the allegation "...that he
kept the program alive..." : So D'Amato himself admits that
he worked to have the program renewed. Because he was appointed
by the DIA or even by another higher decision
"structure". This would explain why he was an official
member of a Congress Commission.
The reference to similar projects being conducted by
"some of our European allies" was also of interest to
me. But the "priority" had to be given to D'Amato.
Because there are numerous unanswered questions about him. For
instance, why did this man, officially commissioned by the higher
US Authorities, come to SOBEPS Office and especially visit
General De Brouwer? Who is exactly D'Amato and why did the US
Congress seem to pay so much attention to "the Belgian UFO
wave" of 1989-1991. Why did Sen. Byrd choose D'Amato? Who is
really Sen. Byrd? What is the role of the "psychical
spies" in this story. We will know more soon.
Pursuing my administrative investigations, I succeeded in
obtaining several documents of interest: e.g. the
following list of the members of the Sub-Committee on Military
Construction, under the authority of the Senate Committee on
Appropriations. The responsible person for the Democrats is Hon.
Robert C. Byrd. Under the 104th Congress, he even was the
"chairman", i.e. the President.
SD-140 Dirksen Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-7204
Clerk: Sid Ashworth
Minority Clerk: C. Richard D'Amato
Conrad Burns, Mont. - chairman
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas
Lauch Faircloth, N.C.
Larry E. Craig, Idaho
Patty Murray, Wash. - ranking member
Harry Reid, Nev.
Daniel K. Inouye, Hawaii
source: CQ NewsAlert
© 1996, Congressional Quarterly Inc. All rights reserved.
One can notice that Mr D'Amato held a "key" position
in one of the sub-Committees on Appropriations. This was and stil
is a very special sub-Committee! Indeed, Mr. D'Amato is a
Consultant for the National and International Security Affairs!
Quite normal altogether, since he is also a member of the staff
of Sen. Byrd. All these qualifications make him a specialist of
the US Army Intelligence Service. And this why he appears in this
Just by looking at the list of the members of two committees
(Appropriations and Armed Services) during the 104th Congress,
one can note that Richard C. D'Amato (a.k.a. "Dick" )
always holds very high positions.
The lists of members are a bit long, but packed with valuable
data. This is the reason why I think that they are worth being
shown below. One name is remarkable: that of Sen. Storm Thurmond.
He is the very same person who wrote the forewords in the first
version of Colonel Philip Corso's book. At this time, Corso was
not call "The Day After Roswell", yet. But here are the
Senator Position Ofc. Ph.# Fax# Principal Staff Contact
Strom Thurmond (R-SC) SASC/Chair,SASC SR217 5972 1300 Tom Moore
Sam Nunn (D-GA) SASC/RMM, SASC SD303 3521 0072 Arnold Punaro
Trent Lott (R-MS) SASC SCST/ST&S SR487 6253 2262 Sam Adcock / 6825~
Kay Hutchinson (R-TX) SASC SCST/ST&S SH703 5922 0776 Ken Johnson
Richard Bryan (D-NV) SASC SCST/ST&S SR364 6244 1867 Tim Hay
John McCain (R-AZ) SASC SCST SR111 2235 8938 Chris Paul
Robert Byrd (D-WV) SASC/RRM,SAC/De SH311 3954 8070 Dick D'Amato
William Cohen (R-ME) SASC SH322 2523 2693 Dale Gerry
Dan Coats (R-IN) SASC SR404 5623 1966 Pam Sellars / 5623~
Bob Smith (R-NH) SASC SD332 2841 1353 Tom Lankford /
Dirk Kempthorne (R-ID) SASC SD367 6142 5893 Glen Tait
John Warner (R-VA) SASC SR225 203 6295 Les Brownlee / 9356~ / SR228~
James Inhofe (R-OK)* SASC SR453 4721 ---- ---
Rick Santorum (R-PA)* SASC SDB40-2 6324 xxxx ---
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) SASC SH110 5521 2852 Patrick Von Bargen
Carl Levin (D-MI) SASC SR459 6221 1388 Mike Thomas / 6587~
Ted Kennedy (D-MA) SASC SR315 4543 2417 Gare Smith / 5112~
Joseph Liebermann(D-CT) SASC SH316 4041 9750 Tom Parker / 8787~
Chuck Robb (D-VA) SASC SR493 4024 8689 J. J. Gertler / 8033~
John Glenn (D-OH) SASC SH503 3353 7983 Phil Upschulte / 3353~
* = freshman member of 104th Congress
SCST = Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, &
ST&S = Subcommittee on Science, Technology, & Space of
SASC = Senate Armed Services Committee
SAC = Senate Appropriations Committee
De. = Defense Subcommittee of SAC
RMM = Ranking Minority Member
Wednesday 8 February 1995
Senator Position Ofc. Ph.# Fax# Staffer
Mark Hatfield (R-OR) SAC/Chair, SAC SH711 3753 0276
Robert Byrd (D-WV) SAC/RMM, SAC/Def SASC SH311 3954 1689
Christopher Bond (R-MO) SAC/Chair,VA-HUD-IA/Def SR293 5721 8149 Brent Franzel
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) SAC/RMM, VA-HUD-IA S---- 4654 8858 Kevin Kelley
Conrad Burns (R-MT) SAC/VA-HUD-IA,SCST/Chair, ST&S SD183 2644 8594 D. McClellan
Robert Bennett (R-UT) SAC/VA-HUD-IA SD241 5444
Robert Kerrey (D-NE) SAC/VA-HUD-IA SH303 6551 7645 Carolyn Fuller
Phil Gramm (R-TX) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Def SR370 2934 82856 D.Ribbentrop
Richard Shelby (R-AL) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Def SH509 5744
J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Def SH136 5824 2952 Jeff Martin/
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Def SR433 4242 3595 J.P. Dowd
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Def SH506 4744 9707 Bruce King
Ted Stevens (R-AK) SAC/VA-HUD-IA/Chair,Def,SCST/ST&S SH522 3004 2354
Daniel Inouye (D-HI) SAC/RMM, Def SCST SH722 3934 6747
Arlen Specter (R-PA) SAC/Def SH530 4254 9029 Morrie Ruffin
Pete Domenici (R-NM) SAC/Def SD427 6621 7371 Marco Gonzales
Thad Cochran (R-MS) SAC/Def SR326 5054 9450 Jack Hoggard
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) SAC/Def SR120 2541 2499 Robin Cleveland
Connie Mack (R-FL) SAC/Def SH517 5274 9365 Ross Lindholm
Tom Harkin (D-IA) SAC/Def SH531 3254 7431 Sandy Thomas
Dale Bumpers (D-AR) SAC/Def SD229 4843 6435 Bruce McDonald
Slade Gorton (R-WA) SAC/SCST SH730 3441 9393 Terri Claffey
James Jeffords (R-VT) SAC SH513 5141
Judd Gregg (R-NH) SAC SR393 3324
Herb Kohl (D-WI) SAC SH330 5653 9787 Jeanne Bruns
Harry Reid (D-NV) SAC SH324 3542 7327 David Chartier
Patty Murray (D-WA) SAC SH302 2621 0238 Eric Ostrovsky
SCST = Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, &
ST&S = Subcommittee on Science, Technology, & Space of
SASC = Senate Armed Services Committee
SAC = Senate Appropriations Committee
Def = Defense Subcommittee of SAC
VA-HUD-IA = Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs, Housing & Urban
Development, & Independent Agencies of SAC
RMM = Ranking Minority Member
date: Wednesday 8 February 1995
This document can be found on Internet at the following URL:
All these data strongly support the view that D'Amato works
for the highest US authority. The article published by the
Washington Post and the Senate documents are consistent with the
above assertion. However, the agency for which really worked (and
still works?) D'Amato remains to be identified. CIA, DIA, NSC,
FBI, NSA, ONI, OSI, AFI? Your bet is as good as mine.
At the beginning of my investigations, I was tempted to
believe that D'Amato worked for the Defence Intelligence Agency
(DIA). This conviction was based on the facts that: (i) he made
noticeable efforts to maintain and renew a "Psy" budget
line at the DIA; and (ii) "Dick" was a member of two
Committees, the activities of which being related to the Army;.
However, the National Security Council (NSC) could also be a
reasonable bet. The NSC controls most, if not all, of the
Intelligence Services of the USA. It is under the direct command
of the President of the United States of America.
These are the reasons why I got in touch directly with Major
Ed Dames, an ex-"psy-spy" now at the Stanford
Institute. In the meantime, and without any arrangement, Jeff,
the person responsible for the "Sciences" team at the
UFOCOM, made a similar approach. He contacted Ingo Swan, one of
the "big cheeses" of the "Stargate Program".
As an anecdote, during tests run jointly by the CIA and DIA, Ingo
Swan succeeded in describing very precisely a
"top-secret" military installation given only its
geographical coordinates. Jeff and I are very sceptical about
this kind of stories and experiments. However, The Ingo Swan
trail could have been helpful to channel our way towards D'Amato.
But we never heard from Swan.
The person who provided us with a decisive argument to relate
D'Amato with the NSC was Jess Marcel Jr... Yes, indeed! Jess
Marcel Jr, the son of Captain Jess Marcel. This latter was an
senior officer at Roswell, and he directly eye-witnessed the
recovery of a machine which would have "crashed" close
to the city of Roswell in 1947. We are living on a small planet,
aren't we? And may be, our planet is even smaller than this...
On April 13, 1995, Dr. Jess Marcel Jr, made the following
statement at a Conference held at Helena, Montana.
He claimed that he was invited in Washington, D.C., by a
"Dick" D'Amato, who introduced himself (showing him
official accreditation) as a staff member of Sen. Robert C. Byrd,
a specialist of National Security and an "agent de
liaison" at the NSC. This "very private" meeting
took place on a day of July 1991.
Later on, Jess Marcel told Michaël Lindemann, a US
investigator and the editor of the ISCNI*Flash, that D'Amato
asked him to describe the objects, scraps and remains taken at
Roswell by his father, exactly fifty years ago. He also wanted to
know what did this event change in his life.
Dr. Jess Marcel also stated that, at one time during the
meeting, D'Amato moved towards a table and took a book laying
there. It was "Majestic" by Whitley Streiber. Showing
him this book, he said: "This is not a invention"...
And yet, it was supposed to be a fiction.
Dr. Marcel then asked a question to D'Amato, inquiring where
now were the remains of the machine recovered in '47. D'Amato
answered: "We, at the NSC, don't have any clue to answer
this question".
Monsieur D'Amato concluded the interview by kindly requesting
Dr. Marcel to keep him informed if some new elements came to his
mind, or if he received - again - some unpleasant phone calls, or
he felt harassed anyhow.
The truth is that one has been putting this sort of
"pressure" on Dr. Jeff Marcel for years.
Regarding this story, an investigator named James Easton
wrote: "[On 30 July], I was speaking with Graham
Birdsall of Quest International and editor of UFO
Magazine (UK) and I asked if he had ever heard of this claim.
Like myself, it was news to him. As he was due to telephone
Stanton Friedman the following day concerning the "Santilli
affair" I suggested that Stanton may be interested to hear
of this.The following evening, Graham confirmed he had mentioned
this toStanton and was somewhat taken aback to hear Stanton
confirm that not only had he heard of this meeting, he was there!
There was one other unnamed person also present.
Stanton was very surprised that Dr. Marcel had
released the name of Mr. D'Amato
and said that D'Amato
had indicated that he would not confirm this meeting had taken
The following day, Graham told me that he had just
been speaking to Timothy Good and had mentioned this meeting to
him. Tim was also very surprised to hear of this.
For the last few years, both in Washington and in
London, Tim had met with Dick D'Amato
in confidence.Tim was introduced to D'Amato
by Whitley Strieber and confirmed that these events are relevant
to Strieber's latest book, "Breakthrough." Again, Tim
did not expect to hear D'Amato
publicly identified and said that some of the content of his next
book refers to these meetings and their implications, but that he
had not identified D'Amato.
As this information was now in the public domain, he would
consequently be doing so."
This meting is also mentioned in a paper written by Dr.
Richard J. Boylan, a US psychologist and ufologist. The title of
the paper is: "Birds of a Feather No Longer: Policy Split
Divides 'Aviary' UFO-Secrecy Group".
Here is a very interesting excerpt:
"Dick D'Amato,
National and International Security Specialist for Senator Robert
Byrd and a member of the National Security Council, stated in
1991 that an incredibly powerful "black arm" of the
government has been keeping UFO
information secret and has also been illegally spending enormous
sums of money in this operation."
To summarize, Richard C. D'Amato is a man "who
knows". Interestingly enough, the whole story started with a
short message dealing with the visit of a Richard D'Amato,
commissioned by the US Senate. But after some dozens of hours of
investigation, phone calls, fax and E mail exchanged, this person
was identified as a member of NSC, a specialist in National and
International Security working for Sen. Byrd (Committee for
Appropriations) and a "big cheese" who promoted the
renewal of a DIA budget attributed to a "Psy" program
of the Stargate type. Furthermore D'Amato probably met with
Whitley Streiber, Dr Jess Marcel Jr., Stanton Friedman, Timothy
Good, SOBEPS members and Gen. De Brouwer.
Concerning these two last persons or group of persons, I had
nothing in my hands which confirmed their meeting with D'Amato in
Belgium. How could I verify these data?
If D'Amato had been officially delegated by the US Congress,
several Belgian Senior Officers (Defence Secretary, Senate, SGR,
etc...) should have been kept informed. Furthermore, this kind of
visit, the purpose of which can be termed "exotic",
should have left some traces in the memories if not in official
documents. It is reasonable to assume that the Chief Officer
responsible for the section "Opérations" at the
Belgian Air Force (FAe) can only welcome a member of the Senate
Staff (tied with the Intelligence Services) under the approval of
the Defence Ministry and very likely under that of the Defence
Minister. At this time, the Belgian Defence Minister was Mr Guy
Coëme and his military counsellor was Lieutenant- General Michel
I have true respect for Mr. Coëme because he suffered from
several misfortunes, related both to his private and public
lives, keeping high morality without showing-off. To him, Belgian
people owe the "transparence" related to the events of
1989-91. To him also, SOBEPS owes its close collaboration with
the Army. To him again, and to Gen. De Brouwer, we all owe the
feeling that we have come closer to clarification...
With this state of mind, I wrote the following letter (note:
translated from French) to the residence of the Minister Guy
"Dear Mister Minister, First of all, please allow me
to introduce myself. My name is Thierry Wathelet, I am 32 and I
am currently preparing a first book dealing with the question of
UFOs. I am not a UFOlogist, but merely a citizen who has been
investigating this phenomenon for some four years now.
[...] At present, I am completing a chapter on the Belgian
"UFO wave 1989-1991" and I found myself in front of
questions that you may certainly better answer than I may.
At the end of the Belgian wave, the US Senate supposedly
sent a delegate, a Mister Richard C. D'Amato, with the mission to
meet with Gen. De Brouwer (note: he was a Colonel at this time)
and, on the day before, several responsible people at SOBEPS.
Could you tell me, Mister Minister, if this visit was an official
one, and, if it was, what were the objectives?
Could you, Mister Minister, give me some information on the
above point? I just remember that media mentioned it but you know
that journalists exhibit a clear trend to "adapt" the
news to their need... Your help might prove to be valuable to
understand what exactly went on at this time. Your willingness to
open the related files was, at that time, a world
"première". This behavior was also in complete
opposition with that of Mr. Poncelet who just officially closed
this file on the basis of two documents, one of which being
erroneous. I am also quite surprised to notice that there is no
official reaction of the US authorities following the accusation
originating from our Defence Minister. At that time, USA were
conducting tests on "top-secret" aeroplanes above
Belgium. He even gave the name of the planes: it was LoFLYTE.
Mister Minister, what do you think of this assertion?
My request is that of an historian, not that of a
columnist. I hope you may help me in my investigations.
Looking forward to hearing from you, I remain, Mister
Minister, sincerely yours."
Sometimes later, Monsieur Coëme kindly answered my letter. He
said that he would have been delighted to help me. However, we
were dealing with an old story and he had kept no personal files
on these events, which still should be available from the Defence
Yes, indeed... Mr Coëme did not provide me with new data. I
was still unable to confirm the visit of Mr. DAmato at
SOBEPS, and his meeting with Gen. De Brouwer.
Several months ago, I obtained the electronic address of Gen.
De Brouwer. At the beginning of my investigations, the idea to
get in touch with him came to my mind. I wrote to him to ask his
felling on the recent "Belgian wave". He never
answered, therefore I though that it was not disturbing him once
My last chance to get a confirmation of DAmatos
visit was at the SOBEPS association, the activity of which was
prominent during the Belgian wave and central to the UFO question
between 1989 and 1992. The relationships between the people
responsible for the SOBEPS association and I were not always
smooth. Who was right or wrong is of no importance. Also, with
respect to our potential interest in the LoFLYTE affair, I
decided that it was time to look further than our differences.
This was made possible only because Michel Bougard, the director
of the SOBEPS, shared the same feelings.
I therefore sent a fax to Mr. Bougards house, asking him
to confirm (or not) DAmatos visit. A kind answer came
pretty fast: "Indeed, I hereby confirm that we received Mr.
R. C. D'Amato at the SOBEPS, on July 1992". M. Bougard also
stated that he did not attend the meeting with DAmato, but
that several colleagues did. He told me that he was going to ask
Pr. Meessen, Lucien Clerbaut (Secretary General) and Patrick
Ferryn, and keep me informed.
Mr Bougard held his words. A few days later, with the kind
authorization from his colleagues, he sent me the following data
that were passed on to him by Mrs. Clerebaut et Ferryn (Pr.
Meessen will reply later):
Mr Richard D'Amato came to visit SOBEPS Office, Avenue
Janson, in Bruxelles, on July 9, 1992. He introduced himself as
"an official envoy", delegated by a group of US
Senators who were interested in the observations made in Belgium,
and in the putative relationship of these with what they called
"Black Programs". Supposedly, D'Amato came to determine
whether the observed phenomenon should be attributed to flying
objects, the existence of which being hidden to US people. His
card mentioned: C. Richard D'Amato, Counsel for International and
National Security Policies, Committee on Appropriations, United
States Senate.
According to the persons who attended the meeting, D'Amato
appeared to know very little about the "UFO" context,
generally speaking. His data on Roswell seemed to be exactly
those presented on TV and in the newspapers to the average US
Any way, we got it! The confirmation that DAmato came at
SOBEPS was given to us by a very reliable source. Furthermore,
the willingness of the SOBEPS to open their files (an exceptional
fact amongst "serious" UFOlogists, allowed me to
double-check previous data. Indeed, Monsieur DAmato played
the same tune at SOBEPS than that he played to Dr. Jess Marcel
Jr., the son of the Intelligence Officer of Roswell Base, exactly
one year before.
What has been written by Dr Richard Boylan should therefore be
true... What has been claimed by Friedman, Good and others seems
to be corroborated by the people at SOBEPS and especially Mr
I have to say that, at this point of the story, nobody except
two of my fellows, Jeff & Stéphane Kucharski, knew about my
investigation. Even my request addressed to SOBEPS was
voluntarily imprecise. Later on, to acknowledge the help of the
SOBEPS, I faxed more data on my investigation to Mr Bougard.
Sometime later, Pr. Meessen also shed some light on the
meeting with DAmato. We exchanged numerous E. mails which
constituted at this time one of the most valuable contribution
brought by an UFOlogist to my investigation on this phenomenon.
Here is what Pr. Meessen wrote (note: translated from the
"M. Wathelet,
I thank you for your recent E. mail and the precise answers
it contains. I will discuss this point latter since I would like
to focus first on the most important topic: Mister
DAmatos visit.
M. Clerebaut explained me over the phone that Mr. D'Amato
wished to meet me, to obtain additional data on the Belgian wave.
He asked whether I could meet him, on such day at such time at
the SOBEPS Office. I agreed. The meeting lasted for the whole
afternoon. Mrs. Clerebaut & Ferryn also attended the
discussion, but they did not talk too much.
M. Richard C. D'Amato introduced himself as Sen. Robert C.
Byrd counsellor, who was heading at this time the "Senate
Committee on Appropriations". It is a very powerful
organization since it is responsible for the attribution
(dispatching) of the military budget. Mr. D'Amato explained that
this visit was included within a &qotvoyage (trip) to
Europe"... he never said that he was "officially
delegated by the US Congress US", as stated by your French
friend. However, I could not believe that DAmatos
visit was only motivated by a personal interest in the Belgian
wave. Rather, Mr. Byrd might have asked him to get data on the
SOBEPS, its personal and its research methods. This did not
disturb me. On the contrary, I appreciated that he took the
information directly from us, after "knockin' on the
I also knew that he would wrote a report that he would drop
somewhere. This only was of importance to me since it provided me
with a unique possibility to pass on a message to the readers!
The meeting took place on July 1992. DAmato therefore
certainly knew about the Belgian wave, at least as it was
presented through the media to US "observers" in
Belgium. At the position he held, one does not travel without
having prepared the trip! Though he did not read the SOBEPS
report published in 1991, he very likely benefited (at least)
from a "briefing". Anyway, this did not matter since
his only presence sufficed to demonstrate that he was interested
in the UFO phenomenon, in the SOBEPS studies and in the data
obtained by the Belgian F-16.
I described to him our major observations in such a way he
could really understand the exceptional extent of the Belgian
wave, the high reliability of the eye-witnesses, and the
capacities of the observed flying objects which could not be
explained in the light of our technological capabilities and
scientific knowledge. I also told him that I was conducting
personal investigations and that I wanted to know what has been
seen on the Belgian Army radars. As a scientist, I think that I
would have betrayed my responsibilities if I would not have
requested these data. He probably realized how seriously we took
the study of the observations (the facts) and their
interpretation. Mr. DAmato listened to me with a real
attention. Though he was more a specialist of political, military
and judiciary questions than a scientist, I felt that
DAmato caught fairly well the "message" that I
wished to have him passed on. I do not recall that he asked
questions, but I know that I led the discussion to reach the
goals that were mine.
The "official" approach of the UFO phenomenon by
US political and military authorities is inappropriate and must
be modified!
Here is what I wanted him to understand and to bear in
mind, at least on a person to person basis. To reveal the content
of this meeting would not have come to my mind. Not because it
deals with "secret affairs" but because it is often
more efficient to work "in the shade". Given the
current situation, it seems that avoiding the propagation of
misinterpretations may be useful, especially if they may
eventually be regarded as hoaxes.[...]
In front of D'Amato, I added that, undoubtedly, the highest
political and military US authorities have all investigation
means allowing them to be well-informed of the UFO
characteristics and the extraordinary nature of this technology.
They should therefore be aware that this technology was coming
neither from USA nor from any other country in the world. I told
him the following: I understand that, in 1947 and in the
beginning of the fifties (when the Robertson Committee released a
"semi-official" opinion), USA were essentially
interested in conducting secret studies of the UFO phenomenon to
gain potential military advantage. However, one has to
acknowledge that today situation is not the same. Because there
is a continuous flux of observations, and because the E.T. nature
of the phenomenon becomes more and more convincing in the light
of a thorough analysis of the observations, we are now facing
scientific and human interrogations of the utmost importance. We
are not only dealing with a National Security issue. The issue
belongs to Mankind and affects our future in the long term.
Nobody is allowed to disguize the truth.
The day will come when we will learn that the political and
military US authorities have been lying intentionally for long
years. This is not the choice of a single man, but that of
several people. On the long run, neither the power of the
weapons, neither that of money, nor the power of the power itself
(under all its aspects) can "win". The "essencial
values" have to be protected. USA claim they are the land -
and the protectors - of freedom and democracy, but it will become
known that they have been voluntarily misleading us. Whatever the
reasons that will be put forwards, the responsible persons will
have to take the consequences of this policy upon themselves.
This political system will loose all credit. Still, USA could
initiate a "new deal" in term of UFO which may proved
to be more profitable to them in the long run than will be their
current attitude consisting in fooling everybody on this planet.
"Where there is a will, there is a way"!.
So this is what happened at the meeting at the SOBEPS
Office. This may not be exactly what you were expecting. I do not
recall the exact words of our talk (note: with D'Amato), but I
can ascertain that the above described ideas were central to our
discussion. Mr. Ferryn followed what I said in English, and two
days ago, he confirmed to me that he indeed remembers the above
conversation. He was the person who drove Mr. D'Amato from and
back to his hotel. What they discussed together remained unknown
to me. However, from what I recently learnt, Mr. D'Amato acted as
someone who knew very little about the UFO phenomenon. All he
said about it was already known. He asked questions about the
SOBEPS, as a person who wished to better appreciate our Society.
We had nothing to hide. On the contrary, we had a message to
deliver. Some of the allegations that you "harvested"
might be re-examined in the light of the above
Shortly after Mr. D'Amato's visit at SOBEPS, I met with
Gen. W. De Brouwer. He spontaneously told me that D'Amato came
the day after (note his visit at the SOBEPS Office). The key
point of our meeting seemed to be his wish to obtain a copy of
the radar recordings performed by the Belgian F-16, during the
night of March 30th to 31st. Gen. De Brouwer did not passed these
recordings onto "Dick". However, he assured D'Amato
that he could have them provided an "official" request
was sent by US authorities. This request never came! It was only
a "tactical" game.
Quotation ends.
The letter from Professor Meessen was far longer. However, the
other topics presented in his mail were of private or general
nature. At the end of the letter, Pr. Meessen wrote that he would
not oppose the publication of this letter provided he could read
first all quotations. Quite normal, honestly.
Later on, however, Mr Bougard told me that this visit and the
related talks were perceived differently by the three persons
from the SOBEPS. Relating all view points and apprehensions
seemed pertinent to him.
Indeed, Mrs. Clerebaut et Ferryn appear to have a slightly
divergent opinion regarding DAmatos visit. I would
like to acknowledge this difference of "perception".
Essentially, we will retain that Mrs. Clerbaut (secretary
general) and Ferryn (co- founder of SOBEPS) remember that some
references to the "blacks programs" were made, and that
the visit had some "official" character. Pr. Meessen
has a more "lukewarm" attitude.
In my opinion, D'Amato made a major goof when he met with Gen.
De Brouwer. He asked for a copy of the data recorded by the FAe
F-16. This was in opposition with the "etiquette".
DAmato indeed knew that Gen. De Brouwer could not provide
him with these data. Was this some sort of "yankee"
arrogance or a more intentional manoeuvre? Here again, I agree
with Pr. Meessen to term pure "strategy" these
unofficially "official" movements.
I would also believe that DAmatos attitude
constitutes a message addressed to us, saying: "We (the
highest Official US Institutions) are very interested in the UFO
phenomenon because we are not at the origin of it".
D'Amato pretends that he is looking for clues to prove that
there is an incredibly powerful "dark force" in the USA
which would master a "mysterious" technology, allowing
them to disregard the borders and the authority of the US
Strangely enough, it seems to me that Mr D'Amato should be
well-informed and probably better informed than everybody else.
Thanks to the position of his boss, Sen. Byrd, he has full access
to the best of the US Hi-Tech companies
and research laboratories! He has also strong ties with all
intelligence services in the USA! He has permanent contact with
all services depending on the Defence and Foreign Affairs
Ministries. And he is regarded as a US specialist in these
domains, as exemplified by the fact that he gave a talk at the
Annual Meeting of Political Sciences, held at the Truman
Auditorium of the Sheraton hotel on August 1997. Amongst the
speakers, there were people from the Defence Department, the
Navy, US Representatives, and several University Professor
(including Stanford). The main topics were related with Strategy,
National and International Security, NATO, International
Politics, etc...
Furthermore, it is difficult to admit that the technology
essential to build UFO can be developed in such a way that none
of the best secret services in the world heard about it. Just
think of the necessary infrastructure! Private companies would
have to contribute to it. You also need factories, hundreds of
people, large energy supply, and an incredible amount of money...
So, where does this technology come from? Is this so
"big" that people can defy the power of the US
government and that of the president of the USA?
In the paper from Dr. Boylan, a citation of which is given
above, there are some data on a company which could be a good
"choice" to deal with "Advanced Technology".
Its name is "EG&G". Interestingly enough, did you
know that EG&G set up a plant in Belgium? When? In 1989, of
course! Where? Very close to Bruxelles airport. Why there?
Because EG&G controls a small air company which they used
only for their own transportation. We have to admit that this is
quite surprising, haven't we?
Anyway, we are now far away from the questionable speculations
reported in the media which have led allegedly the Belgian
Defence Secretary to close the "Belgian wave" file.
Later on, I learnt that this was not true; just a
misinterpretation (?) of these media.... Thus, Ministry Poncelet
never mentioned anything about the LoFLYTE! LoFLYTE...? Neeeh, it
is not a "black program". It is a common project
involving the Defence Department and several private companies.
This is crystal clear! But may be, the truth cannot be told...
Hence, the whole file must be re-open. Should it must not, then I
want to know why it must be closed. Monsieur D'Amato did not come
to Belgium for a scientific study on temperature inversion. And
Chief Renkin, of the "Gendarmerie" did not see a
LoFLYTE but something completely different...
Now, imagine that this whole story could be a controlled
released of information, "distilled" drop after drop,
to acclimate ourselves to new concepts... And would it be
possible that Mr. D'Amato, when he met with Gen. De Brouwer, told
him that NORAD and Space Command were under "Red Alert"
during the Belgian wave? Indeed the military Radar at Glons is
part of the NATO strategic device for air control. It is
therefore difficult to understand that the US controllers,
somewhere in Colorado, did not pay attention to the data recorded
by this radar. Unfortunately, I cannot check and warrant this
piece of information. It is one of the few of that kind that
you'll red in my book.
Another hypothesis may be that Mr D'Amato came to gather data
for the Senate, the NSC (and therefore for the US President).
There are several clues to indicate that this is still his job
today. D'Amato tries to identify the people who are developing a
quot;private" technology "in the back" of the
Congress and of the President. In this respect, how should we
interpret the joke made by President Clinton during his visit to
Belfast for Christmas on December 1995? Remarkably, this joke was
published as an official press release from the White House.
"[...] And to all of you who have not lost your sense
of humor, I say thank you. I got a letter from 13-year-old Ryan
from Belfast. Now, Ryan, if you're out in the crowd tonight,
here's the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an
alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
(Laughter.) And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover
alien bodies, they didn't tell me about it, either, and I want to
know. (Applause.) [...]"
Knowing how carefully the talks from Presidents are built,
especially those from the US President, one can ascertain that
this sentence is not ingenuous. To whom it was addressed remains
unclear.... But everybody knows that when the President wants it,
NSC does it!
There are people who know but refuse to talk. It is an
indisputable fact. For their defence, one can say that it might
be dangerous to release new pieces of information as long as most
of the citizens will prefer "to believe rather than to
know". In a school, the teacher always adapt his instruction
to fit the average capabilities of his students...
So what, Monsieur D'Amato, your "friends" did find
something really bizarre in 1947. But was it so important that
all related projects could not depend on political variations or
electoral caprices? Was it both so huge and frightening that an
investigation committee was set up to study this strange stuff
and develop new technologies from it, just in case... To keep
their hands free, and to avoid alarming the citizens, these
people might have turned away enormous resources, have benefited
and may still benefit today from protections. A sort of State
within the States.... Indeed, this looks like what you claim here
and there... Surprisingly enough, a US TV series, which has
become a "cult" series, tells exactly the same story!
Do you know someone called Chris Carter? Is the truth really else
where? If someone wanted us to believe it, it is exactly the
right way to do it!
All these facts are crucial to the evaluation of the UFO
phenomenon. Good questions were asked. Facts were established.
Double checks were exposed here, and other will be brought to
your attention in the following chapters.
Is it possible, indeed, to evaluate the role of D'Amato
without taking in account the peculiarities of his main
"boss": Sen. Byrd. In this respect, it is possible -
but not proven - that D'Amato could also be the spokesman of one
of the more important Internet access provider: America On Line
(AOL). If he is, he would then also be the person who proposed to
"release" some personal data concerning the AOL
subscribers. For the sake of developing the electronic business,
he said, adding that this would be done in full accordance with
the current laws. AOL has millions of subscribers around the
world. Because all data transferred to and from Internet are
systematically recorded within the computers of the provider, one
can get a very accurate view of Monsieur D'Amato's main
interests, goals, opinions and character... Besides, the fact
that this company decided to "sell" private data on
their customers is certainly not agreeable to everybody.
Good to know that anyway! But what follows is not less
2/2: Senator Robert C. Byrd
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of a Feather No Longer: Policy Split Divides "Aviary"
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